Past Projects
Twelve students and two creative writing professors on the literary trail in Dublin
The Lore of the Emerald Isle:
Irish Literature in Context
With support from the Hendrix-Murphy Foundation, in summer 2023 twelve Hendrix undergraduates with a focus on creative writing and literature traveled with Hope and her colleague, fellow creative writing professor Tyrone Jaeger, to Ireland. After exploring literary sites in Dublin, they attended the West Cork Literary Festival in Bantry, where they each took a multi-day workshop and heard talks and readings by Irish writers.
The Poetry Sidewalks at Hendrix College
The Poetry Sidewalks
This installation in concrete connects Hendrix College’s Creative Quad with the Bertie Wilson Murphy Building, which houses the literary foundation that Hope directs. It consists of 45 poems selected by Hope on themes of nature, journey, and the arts.
The project, underwritten by the Hendrix-Murphy Foundation, celebrates the centrality of poetry to the liberal arts and to human culture generally. It encourages students and others who traverse the sidewalks to engage actively with the poetic tradition.
Buffalo River Currents:
Nature, Place, and the Public Imagination
Through this week-long field experience, Hendrix undergraduates gained a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives on America's first national river. They learned from experts on geology, biology, and ornithology, conducted oral histories with local residents, met with policymakers and park administrators, and paddled, camped, and hiked along the river. Hope has designed and co-led the project twice, in 2012 and 2016, with colleagues in politics and environmental history.
Fiction and Fact: War Dialogue with Veterans
Veterans, their family members, and others with significant ties to military experiences participated in regular book discussions relating to war. Hope served as a discussion leader for the project, which was sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of their Common Good: Humanities in the Public Square initiative.
Enjoying the opening reception at the conference.
International Conference on the Short Story in English: A Group Trip to Lisbon, Portugal
“Beyond History: The Radiance of the Short Story” was the theme of this conference that brought together writers and scholars of the short story from all over the world. Twelve Hendrix students, led by Hope and her colleague Tyrone Jaeger, attended talks, readings, and panels as part of their literary research.