Windfall for Wheel of Light

Last weekend, the Hendrix-Murphy Foundation joined with Hendrix's Theatre Arts and Dance Department to celebrate some big birthdays. The foundation, a source of much literary and language-related largesse for our campus, turned 40, as did our main stage, Cabe Theatre; Dr. Rosemary Henenberg, a beloved Professor Emerita of Theatre, turned 80. In honor of these milestones we held a three-in-one occasion, part birthday party, part tribute, and part academic panel. For me, an unexpected outcome of the festivities was that one of the invited speakers, Dr. Jeanne H. Griggs of Kenyon College, happened upon a copy of my poetry book, The Wheel of Light, and subsequently wrote this review.

One of my favorite poems, Dylan Thomas's "Fern Hill," contains the hair-raising phrase "rivers of windfall light." This review fell out of the sky, gratis, an early-fall boon--hence the title of today's post. Thanks for the gift, Jeanne, and come back soon.

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Hope Coulter

Hope Norman Coulter is a fiction writer and poet whose poetry collection, The Wheel of Light, was released in spring 2015 as part of the New Poets Series of BrickHouse Press. Her writing has won numerous awards for her writing, including the 2014 Laman Library Writers Fellowship, three Pushcart nominations, Arkansas’s Porter Prize for Literary Excellence, and the Short Story Award of Louisiana Life magazine.

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